Asian Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation

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Performance Analysis of Parallel Cellular Automata Model using OpenMp and PThread Programming Constructs

Padmaja Annapureddy, Manjushree Sahana V and Shilpa Chaudhari

School of Computing and Information Technology, REVA University, Banglore, India


Conway’s Game-of-life cellular automaton is most well-known used approach for analyzing the performance of parallel programming constructs. The universe of the Game-of-life is a 2-dimensional array of cells wherein each cell takes two possible states, alive or dead. The state of every cell is repeatedly updated according to those of eight neighbors. A cell will be alive if exactly three neighbors are alive, or if it is alive and two neighbors are alive. This paper simulates this Game-of-life using OpenMP and PThread parallel programming construct and analyzes their performance on Linux platform. The main contribution of this paper includes parallel implementations of Game-of-life to improve overall speedup. It is observed that the performance of PThread based implementation is better than the OpenMP model.

OpenMP, PThreads, parallel programming, cellular automata
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