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Reviwe of design aspects of major components of Automotive Seat
Pachling Vishwanath K*., Prof. Chaitanya S. V.
Asian J Eng Technol Innovat | Open Access
Abstract | PDF | Full-Text
A Study on the Problems of Implementing CRM and ERP in Conventional Business Environment
Animesh Yadav, Shruthi G
Survey on the Downtime of the CNC Machines and Usage of Raspberry Pi
Anil C N, Lalitha L.A, Shekar K V
Visualization of Checkout Data of a Spacecraft based on Time-Series Database
Mallikarjuna Shastry P.M, Sheena Jose and Rashmi Shekar
Rapid Entire Body Postural Analysis Assessment Device for Computer Operators using IOT
Rajashekhar C Davanagere and Mrs. Thanuja K,