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Detecting Truthfulness of Packet Dropping Attacks in WANETs
Sanma S Shetty
Asian J Eng Technol Innovat | Open Access
Abstract | PDF | Full-Text
A Survey on Estimation of Time on Hadoop Cluster for Data Computation
Mohan Kumar M K, Akram Pasha
A Survey on Techniques Used in Blood Splatter Analysis
Naveen G, Sarvamangala D R
User Authentication Using Text - Prompted Technique
Laxmi Doddappagol, Geetha B
Smart Kitchen Inventory
Vikas Kumar, G C Sathish
A Survey on Biomedical Named Entity Extraction
Almas Tasneem* Archana B
A Study on the Problems of Implementing CRM and ERP in Conventional Business Environment
Animesh Yadav, Shruthi G
Application of Parallel Glowworm Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Data Clustering on Large Datasets
Hajira Tabasum M* Akram Pasha
Agriculture Management for Farmers Support Over Cloud Fashion
Shijo M Ulahannan
A Survey on Data Retrieval Techniques Over Encrypted Cloud Storage
Arpitha T V, Mallikarjuna Shastry
Rural Healthcare Using Crowdsourcing
Syeda Sadia Tabassum, Sathish G C, Akram Pasha
A Survey on Defined Circle Friend Recommendation Policy for Growing Social Media
Shamily Varghese E, Sushma Ravindra Y
Analyzing Log Files to Find Hit Count Through the Utilization of Hadoop MapReduce in Cloud Computing Environmen
Anil G, Aditya K Naik, B C Puneet, Gaurav V, Supreeth S
Design of Secured Cloud Based Condition Monitoring of Wind Turbine Parameters Using IOT
Ambarish K J, Bharathi S H
Asset Data Linkage USING Artificial Intelligence Method of Machine Learning
Krishna M V
Survey on Different Routing and Wavelength Assignment Techniques in WDM Optical Networks
Shashma. M, Shrikant S Tangade
Detection of Malwares, APTs and Their Propagation in an Enterprise Network Using the Combination of Scoring Model and Process-Network-File Approach
Srikanth P Vasist, Sailaja Thota
Survey on Various Downlink Resources Allocation Scheduling Schemes Proposed in Long Term Evolution
Heena Kauser, Shilpa Shashikant Chaudhari
QoS Challenges in Wireless Sensor Networks
Mallikarjun M Kodabagi, Shrutidevi B Patil, Basavaraj B Patil
Smart Lighting System To Reduce Energy Consumption
Mallikarjun M Kodabagi, Reshmabanu M Nadaf
Performance Investigation Survey on Different Scheduling Techniques for QoS in 802.16e Networks
Sudhakar T, Ravishankar H
Survey on Social Network of Vehicles Under IOT
Manjunath S, Sathish G C, Deepasree C E
Survey Paper on Combination of LB Optimisation and ICIC in LTE Self-Organizing Networks
Raiman S, Shreekant Jere
Opinion Extraction of Raw Data based on Classification Model
Pooja J, Sushma Ravindra
Security for EMV Card Data in Payment Systems
Satish Kabade,and Meenakshi Sundaram
A Survey on Analytical Architecture of Real-Time Big Data for Remote Sensing Applications
Raghavendra, Ashwinkumar U M
Comparative Analysis of MAC Scheduling Algorithms in Long Term Evolution Networks using NS3
Mohnish Jha, Kumar Prateek,Nitin Jaiswal, Abhinav Anand, Shilpa Chaudhari
A Survey of WLAN Positioning for Mobile Devices based on Time of Flight
Anup T Dhate, Vani K
An Encryption cum Hash Function Using Permutation Parity Machine
Shiffin N, Y Sree Chaitanya, Rajat Pandey, Ravi Jha
Intrusion Detection Using Passive Infrared Sensor(PIR)
Pampapathi B S, Manjunath P C
Localization of WSN using IDV and Trilateration Algorithm
Sharon Priya S, Anooja Ali
Zone Based Malignant Node Detection and Revocation in Mobile WSN by Sequential Hypothesis Testing (SHT)
Pradeep.K.M , Shobha Biradar
Multi-Hop Clustering Hybrid Architecture in VANET for Safety Message Propagation
Roopa A M, Shobha Biradar
Application of Wireless Sensor & Mobile Technology in Education Using BLE Beacon
Geetha Shirol, Bijay Kumar Jyotishi
Improving the Performance and Accuracy of Image Segmentation Using Modified FCM Algorithm
Survey on the Downtime of the CNC Machines and Usage of Raspberry Pi
Anil C N, Lalitha L.A, Shekar K V
Detection of Fraud Using Ranking for Mobile Apps
Nandini B, A.Ananda Shankar
Software Defined Radio: Advancement to Cognitive Radio and Basic challenges in Spectrum Sensing
Vikash Kumar, Nataraj Urs H D, R Venkata Siva Reddy
Securing Numerical Relational Dataset using Robust and Reversible Watermarking Approach based on Genetic Algorithm
Nicy Jose