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Survey on faster storing and retrieval of medical images
Likith S and Nirmala S Guptha
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, REVA Institute of Technology & Management
An Image Retrieval System is a method of retrieving images from a database using various computer vision techniques. The traditional approach involved human intervention, where he could manually tag the image based on the characteristics of the image. This method of adding textual information such as captioning or describing the image helped in categorizing image within the database. And images were retrieved on the basis on the metadata information was time-consuming and also needed a human intervention. To overcome this large amount of research was undertaken to automatically detect the image characteristics. This involved various imaging techniques like image preprocessing, image segmentation etc. Similar to the digital images, medical images are used in diagnosing of a particular disease or to understand the human anatomy in a better way. Medical images unlike normal images involve lot of details and vary from one individual to another. These are highly inconsistent and anomalies detected in the image cannot be ignored. So there is a necessity for feature extraction and classification of images for easy and efficient retrieval. Hence devising an efficient algorithm is required to store the data sets in an easier manner.