Asian Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation

Asian Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation


Secure of Data on stored Cloud from Decentralized Access Control with Anonymous Authentication

Vikas A V and Prof. Nirmala S Guptha



Decentralized storage system for accessing data with anonymous authentication provides more secure user authentication, control of Access is created on decentralized Key distribution center it is being more secure for data encryption. Generated decentralized Key which is from distribution center are taken and combined by key generation center. Our system provides which gives permission to user, in which only the particular system users are able to decrypt, view the stored information. User validations and access control scheme are introduced in decentralized this is useful for preventing replay attacks. The control of related access scheme is much more attract because it is very important to only few approval users have know to valid examine the result. Access control scheme prevents and supports creation replay attacks modifying and change in data stored in the cloud. The problems of validation, access control, privacy protection should be solved continuously.

Key Generation Centre, Authentication, Attribute Based Encryption, Access Control

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