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Biometric Identification Through Ear, Palm and Dorsal Vein Patterns
Hamsini A Kumar, Kavya M, Malavathi V
School of Computing and Information technology, REVA University, Bangalore-560064
In the present days, security is themost important thing any person is looking for.But, single security system is not enough toprovide secured authentication and it can belost as well. So we turn towards Biometrics.Biometrics is the science for humanidentification and verification using humanfeatures. Biometric verification technique havehad a history of over a 100 years. We go throughmany circumstances to find a person’s identityusing cards, badges, personal identity number,password, etc. Similarly, here we come acrossan aspect called Biometric AuthenticationSystem using ear, palm and dorsal. It has beenproven to provide better authentication andsecurity which is the need of the hour. The mainaim of this paper is to develop efficientBiometric Authentication System using ear,veins of palm and dorsal.