Asian Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation

Asian Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation


Analysis of Security Model for Cloud Computing against DDoS

Karnik Pooja Jagdish, Jyoti Kiran Mirji and Shilpa Chaudhari

Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Reva University, Bangalore, India


Cloud computing is a model for on demand network access to a shared pool of resources such as servers, storage, applications and related services. The six specific characteristics are common to the majority of cloud environments On-Demand Usage, Ubiquitous Access, Multi-tenancy (Resourcing Pooling), Elasticity (and Scalability), Measured Usage, Resiliency. Cloud computing is facing various attacks and danger from the hackers community and this has become the main hurdle in advancing of Cloud computing services. Today, distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack in Cloud computing is one of the major security concerns. This paper is an effort to put forth the types of DDoS attack and the prevention techniques. The paper also explains about the DDoS attack detection and mitigation techniques.


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