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A Survey of Analysing the Internet DNSSEC traffic for resolving platform optimisation and performance improvement
R Venkateswara Rao and Mr. G C Sathish
REVA Institute of Technology and management,Bengaluru
In the Internet of Thing (IOT) scenario and the expanding internet users very fast with accelerating scalability of infrastructure, the DNSSEC enabled resolvers also expanding correspondingly. It was already conformed by measurements that DNSSEC resolving needs 4 to 5 times more platform compared to Plain DNS system. And there were some measurements researches have carried out to resolve the user-friendly notation to machine-friendly notation (name to IP resolution and vice versa). Plat form optimisation and efficient way of resolving the DNSSEC traffic. We want to analyse the traffic with R language by using optimum principal component analysis (PCA) and K-means cluster analysis with mixed integer linear programming for routing as unsupervised machine learning.