Asian Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation

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Sherlock: Monitoring Sensors? Broadcasted Data to Optimize Smartphone Environment

Apurva Bhosale, Abhijit Kale, Neha Sanas

Computer Engineering Indira College of Engineering and ManagementParandwadi, Pune.


 In this era, context-awareness has become of vital importance for a wide range of mobile and pervasive applications on smartphones. Whereas human-centric contexts (e.g. indoor or outdoor, at home or in office, while driving or walking) have been thoroughly researched, to study the phones’ perspective (e.g. on table or sofa, in pocket or bag orhand), many attempts have been made. We refer these immediate surroundings as micro-environment, usually few millimeters to few centimeters. In this work, we aim to design and implement Sherlock, a micro-environment sensing platform that automatically records sensor hints and characterizes the micro-environment of smartphones. This platform runs as a background process on a smartphone and provides subtle environment information to upper layer applications via programming interfaces. Sherlock is a unified framework which covers the major cases of phone usage, placement, position, rotation and interaction in practical uses with intricate user habits. As a longstanding running middleware, Sherlock achieves both energy consumption and user friendliness. We prototype Sherlock on Android operating system, and systematically evaluate its performance with sensors’ collected data. The proposed system attempts to achieve low energy cost, quick system deployment, and competing sensing accuracy.

Micro-environment, context awareness, phone usage, placement, attitude, interaction, daemon process
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