Asian Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation

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Enhanced cloud Data recovery technique using Seed Block Algorithm (SBA) and RSA Encryption

D.A Phalke, Onkar Kulkarni, Abhijit Fulsagar,Harish Rane, Ajinkya Chothave

D.Y.Patil College of Engineering, Akurdi, Pune-411044, Maharashtra, India.


Cloud computing is increasing day by day as its advantages overcome the disadvantage of various early computing techniques. Cloud provides huge amount of online data storage where data is stored. Clients store their valuable private data in the cloud for future use. If in case, file deletion or if the cloud gets destroyed due to any reason the data stored at cloud gets lost. Hence to overcome this problem data recovery technique have been developed in cloud computing. Various recovery techniques are developed to tackle this problem in the previous years. Our system is also based on data recovery technique which can be used to backup cloud data and recover that data. The proposed system is based on the Seed Block Algorithm (SBA) and RSA encryption

Cloud Computing, Seed Block Algorithm (SBA), RSA, Backup, Recovery
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