Asian Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation

Asian Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation


Automation of HR Interview System Using ′Jess′ Inference System

Hardik patel, Swati verma , Inshu rani, Abhilasha bhalke

Computer Engineering Dr. D.Y.P.C.O.E, Ambi,Talegaon-Dabhade


Inference Engines are software that derive conclusions out of existing data and also fire actions if the activity trend gets a match within existing knowlegde base. Inference engine hence are capable and taking decisions base on there heuristics and learning. The fact can be harness into developing intelligent software system which their accuracy with time and become more dexterous in handling complex situation. This software deals with the design and development of an application automating HR Interview process, base on one of the popular Inference Engine i.e. JESS, it is demonstrating the power of Inference Engines to satisfy the need of complex logical requirements.

jess, inferencesystem, expert system.

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